Consistency, repetition, teamwork, training base

The Nauka Fighting Style can be trained on a regular base in:

  • Nauka Fighting Academies (Schools)
  • Nauka Fighting Outposts (Training Groups)

For all training variations we recommend to have:

  • Nauka Clan Membership
    Nauka Online Video Training


People who want train Nauka on a regular basis can go to an official Nauka Fighting Academy. They can be found in different locations and are always the home of a qualified Nauka Fighting Teacher, who provides proper training space, equipment, a timeplan, a group of students and Nauka training according to the official curriculum.

Regular Nauka training brings solid results and one can clearly work on the skills while training with a group of other Naukans.

Here you can find official Nauka Fighting Academies:



Owner: Delon Stojanović, Nauka Clan Chief & Company President
Teacher Team:
Daniel Hong, David Schönauer, René Schreiber, Daniel Stojanović

Address: Nauka Fighting Academy Aachen (Headquarter), Grüner Weg 11a, 52070 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49 176 75159149



Owner: Rich Graham Rank: Nauka Teacher, Nauka National Agent USA
Address: Paisley (near Orlando), Florida, USA


Many people do not live in the near of a Nauka Academy or Teacher, but they still want to study Nauka. If you want to train and evolve in a private environment, distance should not keep you away from training. We want to encourage you to train for yourself and join our Nauka Clan. A Nauka Outpost is the perfect Training Group for interested people. It is led by a Nauka Scout, who organizes the trainings and looks out for further Nauka education. The group regularly meets and trains at their location. More input and feedback, will come from Nauka Teachers, seminars, study materials as well as academy visits.
Outposts are not official academies and they do not charge money for training. This keeps administration at a minimum level. They are listed on the main Nauka website, to make it easier for people to find training partners. After a time, the group may grow and need a bigger training space. The Scout may feel ready to become a Nauka Teacher and start an academy. If this happens, we will help you with your next steps. You could train with a bunch of good friends, neighbors, workmates or your family. Train Nauka at home or integrate it into a work routine, while combining different activities before or after training. Beside the sophisticated style of fighting, Nauka offers deep mental aspects. It is an attitude which reflects in your whole life. We want you to grow with our art and it is our purpose to help you with that. There is no greater honor for us, than to see how it fulfills and protects your life. Nauka was born and raised in the streets and battlefields of Europe – It will help you to study violence in all aspects. Become a part of the heritage!


What you get from your Nauka Outpost
  • You are part of a family tradition which protects life since 1910.
  • Study the unique Nauka Fighting Style in your own environment.
  • Nauka is working hard on becoming the most practical fighting style in the world.
  • Focus on `Protection` to functionally defend and on `Perfection` to sharpen your skills.
  • Wether defense, protection, sports or just recreation – You will find it all in Nauka.
  • Your group can be private, part of your police or fire department, military base, company or club.
  • Professional and passionate Nauka Teachers will support and train your group.
  • Set your own training schedules, places and times.
  • Cultivate the art of Roughhousing in a positive and healthy way with Nauka.
  • You are listed on the main website ( and advertised by us.
  • Enjoy discounts on Nauka products, seminars, study materials and private training
  • Get a starter-kit with group equipment, like gloves, protection, clothing and other stuff.
  • Be a part of our community. Naukans help each other out, when they need support.
  • Social Media connection, like private groups with worldwide Naukans.
  • Do other things with your group – Go out, make tours or parties together.
  • You are free to dissolve your Outpost if necessary or if you do not want to continue.
What you do for your Nauka Outpost
  • Minimum 2 interested persons, from which one is the contact person (Nauka Scout).
  • All Nauka Outpost participants must be `Nauka Clan Members` and fulfill the terms.
  • If someone is not able to provide the member-fee, the person can be sponsored by other members.
  • If this is not possible, we will sponsor the membership – No good person should be held back from training Nauka!
  • No official academy or gym – Trainings can be done in public locations, private property or work places.
  • Further education is based on Nauka seminars, private trainings, academy visits and study materials, like the Online Training.
  • Regionally divided in districts – Your group is the only one in your area.
  • Appointed by the Nauka Clan Chief and recommended by Nauka Teachers.
  • You can get an official Nauka Flag to mark your training ground.
  • Regular contact to the Nauka Clan and reports to the Teachers.
  • Our heritage is carefully preserved has gone through tough times – Present Nauka in a „good light“ to the public.
  • Commit yourself to our Nauka Clan – Help to keep it growing and evolving.
  • No own advertising, except by Nauka products, flag and word of mouth – The Headquarter is advertizing you.
  • No money charging, no logo using, no promotion of a wrong status – just training.
  • Absolute loyality to the Nauka Clan and showing constant solidarity.
  • Continuous and regular Nauka training – no excuses, no surrender, no regret!



If you want to join a Nauka Outpost, contact the Scout in your area.



Student / Scout: Case Aubin, Ashley Aubin
Location: Daytona Beach, Florida, USA