“Survival means to grab your life, hold on to it and do everything to overcome a threatening situation.” Nauka Codex
The need for survival is an essential part of our being. Every species has to face its own problems and find solutions. As humans, we can use our given factors, like intelligence and strength, but like Charles Darwin once said, the ability to adapt is the most important survival factor.
Building on the heritage of its ancestors, Nauka Survival analyses possible dangers, finds matching solutions and creates the proper trainings.
Unfortunately, we are still subjected to devastating violence nowadays. Crime, war and terrorism are real, they are happening somewhere in the world right now and they can hit us, too. We tend to close our eyes from suffering and violence, when we are not involved and it happens “somewhere else”. If something happens to us, we lack the ability to quickly adapt to the new situations, because we are dependent from the luxuries of our everyday lives.
One can be affected at home, in public places, while travelling, at work or at leisure activities. We can prepare ourselves to react as effective as possible during an incident. The training should not create fears or prejudices, but it should help to understand and to control them. The goal is the protection of life and to function better in dangerous and chaotic situations, you need qualitative training and first of all: acceptance of reality.
It is dangerous to live in imaginary safety bubbles, because of growing up in save environments and with stable governments. How quickly this can change, can be easily seen in history and current news from other parts of the world. One of many examples was Yugoslavia in Europe, a prospering, rich and functional country, with many tourist visits and business partners in the whole world. Within a short time, the whole country was drawn into a pool of civil war, unrest and violence, which led to a painful legacy. The Yugoslavia case was a major reason for the Nauka founders to research survival methods. It provided a deep source of knowledge, which came from personal experience and learning from survivors. Current conflicts from other parts of the world can be found in the media, though many of them remain unnoticed by most people.
Problems can occur in wilderness, rural or urban environments and at any time. Examples of possible survival situations you could find yourself in:
- Kidnapping or hijacking
- Terrorist actions
- Extremist actions
- Criminal actions (raid, assault, robbery, mugging, rape, rampage)
- Riots
- Collapses (government, economic, important sectors)
- Disasters (nuclear, biological, industrial, natural)
- Wars
- Accidents
- Getting lost or trapped (in unknown areas for a longer period)
- Diseases (outbreaks, epidemics, pandemics)
- Disruptions (of the habitual life)
Always learning and evolving. We are constantly exchanging knowledge with worldwide experts, like special forces, rescue service, police and military, survivalists and our students. A relevant source of knowledge for Nauka are also refugees, homeless people and criminals. Remember: “To successfully defend against something, one must first understand it.” Nauka Codex
Here are some examples of training contents from the Nauka Survival Science:
- Home Safety
Protecting your home and family against intruders and other possible dangers.
- Travel Safety
Protecting yourself on vacations or business trips.
- Work Safety
Protecting yourself at the workplace.
- Urbex & Wildex
Urban and wilderness exploration for reconnaissance in unknown territories.
- Reliable Gear
Focussing more on low technology (Low Tech), than on high technology (High Tech).
- Minimalism
Constant or temporary reduced lifestyle. Working and living with less things.
- Wilderness Survival
Bushcraft skills for natural environments in different parts of the world.
- Urban Survival
Overcoming chaotic and hostile situations in urban areas and buildings.
- Regional Characteristics
Understanding local behavior, culture, endemics, habits and dangers.
- Everyday Carry (EDC)
Choosing and carrying your necessary gear for daily or special use.
- Rampage
Surviving active shooter scenarios and other killing sprees.
- Terrorism
Surviving radically motivated terror attacks.
- Captivity
Countering, escaping and overcoming illegal custody and abduction.
- Medical Care
Nonclinical casualty care and medical treatment in dangerous situations.
- Mental Preparation
Productive behavior under stress, fear, threat and dealing with chaos.
- Low Light
Using and creating light in total darkness and low light conditions.
- Wastecraft
Rebuilding objects out of junk, trash or garbage for new uses.
- Group Preparation
Risk analysis, teamwork, communication and leadership development.
- Nauka Special Courses (Solutions)
Specifically designed and customized training courses for certain groups and professions: Celebrities • Companies • Organizations • Law Enforcement • Military • Rescue Service • Schools • Security Service • Sports Athletes • Stuntmen
The term survival comes with some common stereotypes. Here are some examples:
Myth: Survival is paranoid
Our whole life is an adventure and we are the protagonists. Survival training is not only for those, who risk their life on a daily base, but it is good for everyone. The training is very deep and interesting. It develops good skills, like creativity, adaptation, craftsmanship, broader knowledge, dealing with problems and appreciation of what you have or not have in your life. Survival training is serious, but should never be paranoid or radically motivated. Remember, that our ancestors kept preparing for bad times constantly, without being paranoid. There should be a positive attitude towards life in everything we do. Wether normal citizens, company staff or members of law enforcement, military and rescue service – Everybody can improve their skills and evolve.
Myth: Survival is bushcraft
Yes and not only. The common image in people`s heads might be: Running through the forrest, wrestle bears, making campfires only with a knife and hunting maggots for lunch. That might happen in survival situations, but this is clearly a reduced picture. Survival is not bound to a place or time and it can be in any situation, where your life is in danger. The most likely places you would have to survive, are the places, where you are the most. If you live, work and spend leisure time in cities, then you should concentrate on skills for urban environments the most. Anyway, it is very interesting to find solutions for problems you might have to face in different natural terrains, like desert, snow, forrest, jungle, mountains or sea.
Myth: Survival is violence
Due to popular TV-shows, movies and games, people imagine that to survive means to violently fight against real or fictional attackers and the best solutions are overwhelming firepower and brutal close range fighting with knives and machetes. Well, that might be helpfull in this cases, but one would definitely not win the long game only focussing on violence. Being ready to fight effectively is a necessary skill, but it is only one of many you will need. You might „kill the Zombie“ with your barbed-wire-baseball-bat and then get killed yourself by infections from bad hygiene. Fighting and martial arts training are important for defense, protection, fitness and motivation, but they have to fit into the whole survival set. Learn more about our seperate program, called Nauka Fighting Style.
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Nauka Survival Tags: #survival #survive #surviving #lifehack #livehack #tricks #skills #shtf #prepping #preparation #terrorism #collapse #criminal #disaster #war #riot #edc #everydaycarry #gear #equipment #homedefense #travel #travelling #rampage #activeshooter activeshooting #wilderness #bushcraft #extremism #trafficking #kidnapping #robbery #outbreak #pandemic #epidemic #assault #mugging #raid #accident #urban #rural #safety #save #safe #security #hijacking #firearms #shooting #violence #danger #dangerous #agent #secretagent #specialforces #defense #defending #defence #selfdefence #selfprotection #protection #personalprotection #fullspectrumwarrior #fsw #nauka #naukaclan #naukafighting