Nauka - Wanted worldwide
Since its origination in 1910, Nauka has had one major goal – to defeat enemies in the best possible way, whether they are criminals, soldiers, terrorists or other threats. Another important aspect is the positive effect on mental and physical health. So in general, Nauka is about the expansion of honorable values and getting home safely at the end of the day.
Violence is a part of our nature and has always been with us. Most people in our societies understand its consequences and try to avoid it. The problem starts with ignoring violence, because some people will exploit this. When violent acts occur to people who have always ignored it, they are mentally overwhelmed by the situation and are not able to respond properly. This can be life threatening.
Nauka was born and raised in the streets and battlefields of Europe. Therefore, Nauka knows the problems of violence and offers a complete training. It uses centuries-proven war arts and adapts them to the conflicts of our time. To successfully protect against modern violence, one must first understand it and you better know the environment in which you move, because this is the environment in which you will have to defend yourself. Street mentality is a world unto itself. It has its own languages, cultures, rituals and rules. Not for nothing is such an environment called the „Concrete Jungle“.
Nauka focuses on the cultivation of intelligence, emotion and instinct, while using simple movements. It works as an update of innate human protective mechanisms. This keeps it functional in extreme situations, where highly demoralizing conditions are involved, like fatigue, improper gear and equipment, unfamiliar and varied terrain, injuries, emotions, armed and multiple opponents.
A major strategic concept is the Nauka Conflict Matrix, which emphasizes 5 solutions to deal with conflicts. Each phase has its own sub-sections and special training methods. A Naukan will learn things like avoiding potential conflicts, prevention and preparation, timely exit of conflicts, rapid escape, exploration of safer places, confidence and strong outside appearance, verbal de-escalation and commands, first aid, necessary escalation and proper use of violence (worst case). Nauka is divided in Combat (fighting and defense), Survival (Skills for extreme situations) and Tradition (historical culture and martial arts).
Nauka Founder and Clan Chief
Delon Stojanović (Deks)
Full time gym owner and company CEO • 2x World Champion in Kickboxing • Black Belt in Taekwondo • Black Belt in Kickboxing • Instructor in Jeet Kune Do • Martial arts since the 1980s • Combatives and Survival Instructor at Full Spectrum Warrior USA • Competitor • Security Contractor • International Lecturer and Consultant at private companies and government institutions for Security and Defensive Tactics • Founder of the Triballian Equipment Brand
With Deks it is guaranteed to have a Coach, who will put his full heart and energy into the training.

The Nauka Clan - Home of the Naukans
The Nauka Clan is deeply rooted in the chivalry of the Serbian culture, as this is the founders’ personal heritage and their source of power through their own history. We also believe in human nature and that a person can do good or evil things in life without any connections to their origin. We actively seek out people who are doing good things and have a positive outlook on life. As a Naukan, you must be open-minded and respectful to other Naukans. All cultures are welcome. As we have all experienced suppression in our history and in our societies, we do not tolerate cultural, racial, religious, political, or gender-related suppression or discrimination in our Nauka Clan. Although occasional jokes might come from other Naukans, nothing is meant to be disrespectful. In the end, we are all part of the same Clan – We are Naukans.
The Nauka Clan offers a great network, where Naukans are helping out other Naukans, whether in their private or in their working life. Everybody has something he or she is good at and it helps to talk to experts from different professions to share experiences. In addition to ordinary civilians, Naukans consist of professionals across all sectors, such as companies, organizations, law enforcement, military, rescue services, security services, schools, celebrities, sports athletes, stuntmen and many more. Every Naukan profits from the Clan and every Naukan can give back to the Clan. This is our strong community.
Nauka Clan Members are wisely chosen. Traditionally, this comes from the strict rules in the Communist Era in Yugoslavia, but also from older times under different terrible occupations. The Nauka ancestors had to be clandestine about their heritage. Their culture, their faith and their Nauka Fighting Style were all practiced in secret. Today we are free to do what we want, but we still keep this tradition, as we do not want the wrong people in our Clan.
Nowadays, we live faster and faster, with more tension, less time and more threatening violence in between. The Nauka Clan serves as a stronghold for like-minded people, who share honesty, respect and loyalty. Naukans regularly come together for meetings, parties and other events. They are also involved in many chartity projects, to help those who need it. Naukans live as heroes of their own life.
The unity of the Nauka Clan is represented by the “Nauka Bear Paw” Logo. Even though Naukans have a different origin, they share the same attitudes, as well as their passion for the Nauka Fighting Style and their Nauka Clan. They identify with the logo on flags, clothes, patches and other media.
Nauka Logo - Brand of the Bear
- In Slavic mythology, the bear is a very special animal, through its calmness and strength.
- 5 conflict solutions concentrated in one direction (Conflict Matrix)
- The human body is symbolized by the large part of the paw. The claws represent the 5 weapons of the body – the legs, the arms and the head.
- Someday someone said about the family: “These gentlemen are like bears. They go their own way, which you better should not block!”

Nauka History - Made in Serbia
Serbia in 1910: A young man, Blagoje Stojanović, successfully participated in the family business of wine trading. During this time, he and his people traveled by horse and carriage and by foot through the countless roads, forests, mountains, taverns and ports in the Balkans and in Europe during the early 20th century. These trips were very dangerous and one could easily become a victim of bandits and assassins. They were faced with numerous attacks, but one day, the bandits killed many workers and wounded Blagoje. He was left for dead, but he survived. The wounds healed, but the incident made him think deeply about how to defend himself in such situations. So he began his research.
His father was a war surgeon and fought in the Balkan Wars from 1912 and 1913 to liberate the country from foreign rule. The family had deep roots in the Hajduk culture (asymmetric warfare and survival tactics) and participated in different engagements, like the famous Battle of Čegar, with a direct frontline through their village. These facts were a dwell of knowledge.
Soon after, in 1914, the First World War began and he had to fight as a Soldier to protect his life, his family and his country. When he came back from war, Blagoje had already developed a method to defend himself. He leaned on his passion for the old Slavic folk martial arts, the tactics of the Hajduk resistance fighters, his experiences from the war and his travel adventures. The style worked against multiple opponents, in all positions, under any circumstances, with or without weapons. His internal strength came from his faith, and he protected his life with his fighting style, which had no name yet.
Other people appreciated his skills and wanted his protection on the road. By this time, he gained respect from good and bad guys alike in the Balkans and some Ottoman bandits gave Blagoje his nickname „Belaj“, which means „Trouble“.
He passed his teachings to his son, who made his own experiences and after his return from the Second World War, he passed it on to his sons. The style has been constantly evolving and was notorious for its effectiveness. In the time of the Regime in Yugoslavia, there was a strict ban on martial arts and only the military and the police was permitted to train them. In order to not attract attention, but still continue their traditions, they met secretly, chose their training partners very carefully and devised a code name to speak of it: naša nauka – “our science.“
From this code word derives the current name of the style – Nauka.
The manner of selecting members, has been unchanged to this day. Fortunately, the training is no longer forbidden, but by that it is sure that not the wrong people are trained and there is a common respect shared among the group.
From the 1970`s on, the latest generation left Serbia. Nauka has travelled through Europe, the Middle East and Russia, up to deep Siberia and back. It has left its impressions everywhere, but also gained new input.
Beside all the hard proofs of life through which Nauka led the family, it always was and still is important for them to live like gentlemen. Honor and respect are the highest values and an important part of Nauka.
So today, the latest generation of the Stojanović family holds up the proud tradition of their ancestors and shares it with others so they can protect and enhance their lives, too. The Nauka Clan Chief is Delon Stojanović (Deks), who teaches his sons in this martial legacy.
Nauka Influences - Lifelong Learning
The Nauka Fighting Style is based on ancient battle tactics and was developed progressively over more than a century. Again and again it has proved in practice. The main influences of Nauka are:
- Slavic Martial Traditions
Martial Arts of the Slavic Warriors and Knights • Boxing • Wrestling • Fencing • Body Strengthening • Health and Healing Arts • Chivalry
- Underworld Methods
Fighting Methods used by Smugglers, Bandits and Assassins • Street Mentality • Duels • Codes • Prison Tactics • Criminal Mindset and Behaviour
- Military Combatives
Hajduk Resistance • First World War • Second World War • Yugoslavian Era • Soviet Influence • Modern Training Technology
- Research and Development
Various Sciences • Statistics • Testing • Analysis • Learning from Mistakes • Open Mind • Creativity

Nauka Combat
Nauka Combat covers the Nauka Fighting Style, which provides solutions for violent confrontations. Those solutions are trained with specifically designed training systems and combined with a simple plan, so one has high chances to be able to use it under extreme conditions. With a strong base of the battlefield versions of Boxing, Wrestling and Fencing, Nauka has a direct focus on application.
Some important questions for Nauka are: Can I use it with disabilities/injuries? Under all weather conditions? In various locations? Against multiple and armed opponents? With or without different equipment? Against well trained attackers?
When it comes to fighting, Nauka utilizes the NAPAD Fight Plan, a tactical concept which leads the Naukan through all phases of a fight. The word “napad” means “attack“ in Serbian and when the NAPAD Plan is properly executed, opponents are overrun mentally and physically in the shortest amount of time. A Naukan follows the script and uses trained skills, which makes it much easier to deal with the chaos of a fight.
The Nauka Fighting Style is trained in sports gyms, private zones and public areas. Common martial arts equipment is used for training, but also selfmade tools. People train and use it for different reasons, like defense, sports and recreation. It is compatible with other martial arts and sports and adds a unique spice.
The Nauka Fighting Style is divided in the following sections:
- Nauka Combat Boxing
Methods of Punching and Kicking • Defense against Punches and Kicks • Striking with the whole Body • Taking Impacts • Counter Methods • Power Development
- Nauka Combat Wrestling
Clinches, Locks and Chokes • Throws and Takedowns • Escapes from Holds • Clinching Limbs, Clothes and Flesh • Ground Wrestling • Arrest and Control Methods
- Nauka Combat Fencing
Using Sharp, Pointed, Blunt and Fire Weapons • Defense against Weapon Attacks • Objects and Equipment as Weapons • Street Weapons • Disarms • Weapon Safety
- Nauka Combat Moving
Walking, Running, Crawling, Climbing, Jumping, Falling, Rising • Moving in urban and natural Terrain • Breathing • Fluid Movement • Mental and Physical Attributes
- Nauka Combat Thinking
Conflict Communication Matrix • Types of Civil Courage • Self-Defense Laws • Mental Preparation • Motivation • Anxiety and Anger Management • Street Mentality and Ritual Behavior • Dealing with Violence • Psychic Manipulation
- Training Scenarios
Life Simulations • Defense against Groups • Ambushes • Abductions • Threats • Home Protection • Fighting in Different Places • Different Positions • Injuries and Disabilities • Unfavorable Conditions • Protecting Others
- Historical Martial Arts (Tradition)
Traditional Nauka Fighting • Warrior History • Weapons, Tactics & Techniques • Battle Rituals and Combat Traditions • Body Conditioning • Warrior Connections (Old Days to now) • Chivalry • Hajduk Warrior Battles (Traditional Competitions)
- Nauka Battles
Self-testing of learned skills in various Full-Contact Fights for several hours • Nauka Disciplines: Boxing, Wrestling, Fencing, Thinking, Moving, Fighting (all together) • Implemented Parameters (Weapons, Groups, Obstacles, Disabilities) • Protective Equipment • One Rule: Respect (do not injure your partner, but provide the required resistance)
- Special Courses (Solutions)
Specifically designed and customized training courses for certain groups and professions: Celebrities • Companies • Organizations • Law Enforcement • Military • Rescue Service • Schools • Security Service • Sports Athletes • Stuntmen
The Nauka Fighting Style is also called „Dirty MMA“. This is because people believe in the practical combative application of Nauka, same as they believe in the practical sports application of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts).
Functional techniques, ruthless conditioning and constant pressure testing lead to sharp skills and tools. MMA is a high-class sport, which brings good athletes to compete each other and become better. It emphasizes all ranges of unarmed fighting and concentrates on the best working tactics and techniques for the ring or cage. Combat Sports, like MMA, Kickboxing and Grappling, are regarded as the sports versions of Nauka and Naukans are competing actively in Combat Sports events.
MMA has also deep roots in the arts of Boxing (Striking) and Wrestling (Grappling). Training with Nauka, people started to say that Nauka is very similar to MMA, but with a naughty twist and without rules – It is a “badass version” of Mixed Martial Arts. So Nauka has its nickname: Dirty MMA
Nauka Survival
The need for survival is an essential part of our being. Every species has to face its own problems and find solutions. As humans, we can use our given factors, like intelligence and strength, but the ability to adapt is one of the most important survival factors.
Building on the heritage of its ancestors, Nauka Survival analyses possible dangers, finds matching solutions and creates the proper trainings.
Unfortunately, we are still subjected to devastating violence nowadays. Crime, war and terrorism are real, they are happening somewhere in the world right now and they can hit us, too. We tend to close our eyes from suffering and violence, when we are not involved and it happens “somewhere else”. If something happens to us, we lack the ability to quickly adapt to the new situations, because we are dependent from the luxuries of our everyday lives.
One can be affected at home, in public places, while travelling, at work or at leisure activities. We can prepare ourselves to react as effective as possible during an incident. The training should not create fears or prejudices, but it should help to understand and to control them. The goal is the protection of life and to function better in dangerous and chaotic situations, you need qualitative training and first of all: acceptance of reality.
It is dangerous to live in imaginary safety bubbles, because of growing up in save environments and with stable governments. How quickly this can change, can be easily seen in history and current news from other parts of the world. One of many examples was Yugoslavia in Europe, a prospering, rich and functional country, with many tourist visits and business partners in the whole world. Within a short time, the whole country was drawn into a pool of civil war, unrest and violence, which led to a painful legacy. The Yugoslavia case was a major reason for the Nauka founders to research survival methods. It provided a deep source of knowledge, which came from personal experience and learning from other survivors. Current conflicts from other parts of the world can be found in the media, though many of them remain unnoticed by most people.
- Survival Situation Examples
Wilderness, rural or urban environments • Kidnapping or hijacking • Terrorist actions • Pandemics • Extremist actions • Criminal actions (raid, assault, robbery, mugging, rape, rampage) • Riots • Collapses (government, economic, important sectors) • Disasters (nuclear, biological, industrial, natural) • Wars • Accidents • Getting lost or trapped (in unknown areas for a longer period) • Diseases (outbreaks, epidemics, pandemics) • Disruptions (of the habitual life)
- Survival Training Examples
Home Safety • Travel Safety • Work Safety • Urbex & Wildex • Reliable Gear • Minimalism • Wilderness Survival • Urban Survival • Regional Characteristics • Everyday Carry (EDC) • Rampage Survival (Amok, Active Shooter and others) • Terrorism • Captivity • Medical Care • Mental Preparation • Low Light • Wastecraft (Rebuilding objects out of junk) • Group Preparation
Always learning and evolving. Nauka is constantly exchanging knowledge with worldwide experts, like special forces, rescue service, police and military, survivalists and our students. A relevant source of knowledge for Nauka are also refugees, homeless people and criminals. Remember: “To successfully defend against something, one must first understand it.” Nauka Codex
Nauka Tradition
An important part of Nauka is the Tradition, which is based on the European Martial Arts. Each region of Europe has its own variations and styles, but they all have something in common: they have been successfully used by our ancestors for thousands of years for survival and on the battlefields. Today, the sports versions of European martial arts are known worldwide – boxing, wrestling and fencing. At that time, however, there were no rules and all sorts of weapons were used to protect the family, the property and to survive in times of war.
From the Antique, through the Middle Ages, to the Modern Age: Europe produced countless warriors, gladiators, conquerors, mercenaries, knights, soldiers, princes, kings, and emperors. Nauka is deeply rooted in the warrior culture of our ancestors. Values such as honor, justice, courage and respect are very important for a good character and a fulfilling life.
To strengthen oneself physically and mentally, one practiced with special training methods and organized competitions. Many of them even became popular games and still traditionally take place on certain occasions. The fighting methods were passed on from the older generations to the younger ones. The style of Nauka is based on ancient Slavic fighting traditions, which are still practiced today by this culture during leisure time and on special holidays.
These arts of survival have been practiced for centuries by the people of the Slavs, ranging from Russia to Serbia, where resistance fighters have fought with various invaders and defended their homeland for thousands of years. Through their hiding places in forests and mountains, the training is very close to nature.
Styles of different European cultures influenced each other, which complemented and enriched the training. Nauka teaches traditional European Martial Arts separately in order to preserve and promote them.
- Traditional Nauka Training
Home Safety • Fighting on a log or big rock • Wrestling with belts or jackets • Throwing knives, axes, stones and spears • Tossing heavy stones • Cutting and stabbing targets in the air • Archery • Duels • Battle weapons (sword, axe, shield, spear, mace, saber) • Hidden weapons (knife, razor, stick, jacket, comb, bag, axe, chain, bone, etc.) • Fighting and moving in natural terrain (field, forest, water, swamp) • Small team and battle tactics • Folk games and competitions • Rituals and culture • Natural strengthening and healing methods • Survival methods in the wild
The history of Nauka is based in Europe and in the Slavic culture, but there are no borders or limits for Nauka in this world. This is the base and every culture and positive warrior tradition is welcome to join. If we forget the past, we are cutting ourselves off from our ancestors, without whom we would not be here. Their living methods are the base for our lives today. Keeping a tradition alive can install a proper mindset in us. For example, soldiers can follow a tradition and profit from inner motivation, instead just doing their job. Similar things are valid for everyone of us. It provides a moral compass and honor code for our life. It gives our children positive role models from whom they can draw strength and hope.